Friday, March 30, 2012

Funding Planned Parenthood

         It is incredibly disappointing that Gov. Rick Perry is targeting organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, because of their involvement in abortions and contraception. The Texas Governor is attempting to leave planned parenthood out of some very important funding changes in the states health care fund distribution that would leave almost a half million Texas women without a primary health care provider. 
        There is a large portion of women that rely on Planned Parenthood as their sole care provider here in Texas and all around the country.  This is an attack by Rick Perry on our lower income women because of some political game.  
        The Republicans are waging this "life at conception" war on women and women's rights for their right to choose what goes on with their body.  What's so idiotic about this battle is the fact that while they are so-called protecting these unborn baby's, they are also destroying the health of the women trying to have a baby responsibly as well.  Planned Parenthood has always vowed to protect the reproductive health of their patients and general health as well.  This is a much better  "vow" than what the uninformed Republican-led group of male and shockingly female vowees have made.
       I think Republicans have made their point that their religious or moral values direct the way that they handle real issues.  I think now its time for  us to get back to reality and stop pretending that this  political volley ball both sides are playing isn't really affecting human beings. I can see how a man who is worth around three million dollars has a hard time understanding how not only poor, but poor women, feel about this issue, but almost no women back him up here.
       Fact: 99% of all adult women use or have used contraception at some point in their lives. Fact: Planned Parenthood is not a abortion drive through, they perform relatively few abortions compared to the amount of women that that give general health care to. 
       I must say, that if this was not blown out of proportion by the liberal media and democrats alike, the republicans would most likely not have taken it this far. Regardless, its time to stop shooting from the hip Mr. Governor, there are lives on the line, and you have responsibilities to us. 
       We can only hope that by women standing up and talking about this all over the state that our "leader" will get the point. We need health care and that means we need you to care about our health.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Apple takes bribe (legal or not)

There is an article recently posted on the local Fox News web site that explains how the multi-national (most profitable company ever) electronic engineering tycoon, Apple, decided that they were going to build a new facility here in Austin that would employee nearly four thousand people ( This is exciting news, surely, except for the fact that this company, who's budget knows no bounds, was possibly, only interested in opening a facility here in Austin because they were offered money by our governor Rick Perry? Certainly the 21 million dollars that this company will receive from the tax payer's from this state, to in all likely hood, simply just apply for the opportunity to do business here, will do a great service to all the unemployed and underemployed folks here in this state. From now on, assuming that Apple not just takes this money from our state, but actually opens a facility here, we will be able to almost touch the incredibly miss-valued engineering before we send it over seas to produce an incredibly over sought  product possible of destroying lives on its way back to our vintage jean jacket pockets. All I am saying is,well... this shouldn't take a student to realize that we are not gaining anything from this form of representation. This blog is short, way too short. Actually the Apple logo is larger than the article. I think that this is the exact sort of "for profit" media and "for profit" representation that we have come to know and accept. The creator of this very simple blog probably meant nothing but to inform their most likely republican readers of the possibility of a big company showing in town and "creating" some jobs. But, in all reality, this very simple blog was a slap in the face to hard working tax paying blue collar citizens that just try and live their lives, while their governor gives away their hard earned dollars to companies that have not only seen made money off of our economic decline, but made record breaking profits..... I guess thats Fox news for ya.