Friday, May 11, 2012

We Don't Care How You Feel About Abortions Perry
I have to say that I am in total agreement with both of you ladies. Anything to do with Rick Perry draws me in. He's like a real life cartoon character. So, he sat down with a lady who is a product of a rape pregnancy, that is terrible and beautiful at the same time, and would question anyones stance on abortion. But, whatever his feelings are today, clearly different from yesterday, has no merit. It is not up to him, nor will it ever be, to decide the course of a woman's decision with her own pregnancy. Unless you are a victim of incest, been raped, or your pregnancy is detrimental to your health, you have no room to pass judgement. Even then, there's no reason to judge because everyone handles their own situations or traumas differently. Rick Perry is a flip-flopper and shouldn't be taken seriously anyways.