Thursday, February 23, 2012

There is an article in the Austin American Statesman called, "Listen to locals' issues with energy" by Bill Hammond, that exposes the Austin energy crisis.   Hammond, current president and chief executive officer of Texas Association of Business, leads the state's most influential business and chamber organization.  He clearly provides detailed mishaps of the City of Austin's energy provider, Austin Energy, desperate attempts to go "green".  In return, all Austin Energy has accomplished is increasing our taxes, adding millions to our city's budget, and raising rates for individual homes.  With the mention of taxes, the author brings to light that the people on the outskirts of Austin are being taxed on services from Austin Energy that they don't even provide.   Mr. Hammond states that there are ways to reverse the unfair damage caused by our local government in allowing this to continue.  The City of Austin should trust us to do our part in taking some personal responsibility for helping the "green" movement.  I agree with Mr. Hammond is saying that the City of Austin should be holding themselves and ourselves more accountable.  We should not be monopolized by Austin Energy, but instead follow the trend of other cities that have actually reduced costs of energy instead of jacking it up.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Perry Bashing... Anyone in?

Rick Perry is such a mess.  I can't believe he is the Governor of anything.  I read this article, written by Michael King Jan. 27th, in the Austin American Statesman called, "Point Austin: Shameless", and found it quite fitting.  Not that it's not easy to laugh at Perry on our own, the article is full of key moments in Perry's demise.  I know that we can all make fun, but the article is well-written, funny, factual, and eye-opening.  What I found interesting is that as time goes on, moments of Perry's failures pass, and we move on.  But, when you put it all together, it's really embarrassing for everyone involved and especially Texans.  How have we allowed this guy to be our governor for the longest period of time in the history of Texas!?  As he surrenders to the Presidential race and passes his support to Gingrich, I will stand by and wait for the day he steps down from Governor as well.